After I posted the Imagine below I have had a lot of questions on what it is and how I did it. I wasn't going to post anymore of them until Wednesday but oh well here you are.
This is glow sticks. All I did was break them open and splash them in the inside of the jars. I did maybe 5 per jar just to get a good glow. I put my settings to S1/4 F/7 ISO 200 in the "S" mode (that is on a Sony camera I believe its AV mode on the others... what ever is going to be the best for shutter speed)
*MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TRIPOD or something to keep it from moving.
I went in and fixed how sharp it would be on the camera by putting it to the highest it could go so I didn't have to edit the jars later so these are all SOOC.
Wyatt then of course had to come and play with them so I gave him just the sticks to put in and out of the jars and put my Shutter speed to a 1/7 and left the other stuff alone.
"Taking a good photo has little to do with the things you see, and everything to do with the way you see them."
5 Minutes for Mom, A Beautiful Mess, Angry Julie Monday, Parenting by Dummies, Super Mom , Home Grown Families