Okay seriously I might be the only person in the WHOLE world who thinks that when you go to a park with your child you are doing it to SPEND time with them. I know that this can be difficult for some people but seriously it shouldn’t be.
Wyatt and I walked to the park today and when we got there we were the only ones there. (Thank god.) I love having the park completing to ourselves I don’t have to worry about big kids bumping into Wyatt or just taking over playground in general.
After about 5 minutes or so a little girl and her dad showed up. Now she played on her own for a few minutes until she asked if she could be Wyatt’s friend. Fine I thought no big deal.
Well it WAS a big deal. She wanted him to go and do everything with her. She’s was maybe 5 or 6 and Wyatt is only 1 so he couldn’t do a lot of what she wanted and when he wouldn’t go and climb the rock wall or if he didn’t come up the stairs fast enough she threw a fit. Which then made me tell her “no” or “don’t do that.” Basically I felt like I was babysitter her and while I was doing this her dad just sat there. I wanted to scream at him and say “HEY MAYBE YOU SHOULD WATCH YOUR OWN CHILD!!!” and “UM… DUDE YOUR CHILD IS GOING TO FALL OFF THAT MAYBE YOU WANT TO TELL HER NO.” but me trying to be polite said nothing and I just continued to watch her and tell her no.
The dad did finally decide that it was time to go. Now I think the only reason why he thought this was because he was getting bored just sitting there and when he told this to his daughter she threw a huge fit she kept telling him “come chase me” “you cant get me… hahahahaaaaa….” until he gave up and did the whole “okay bye I’m leaving you” thing which that just made her have a huge melt down. She screamed on the top of her lungs “DON’T LEAVE ME!!! DON’T LEAVE ME!!!!” he then had to physically pick her up and force her into the car while she screamed “NO!!!!” If I didn’t know any better I would have thought this guy was trying to kidnap her.
We finally had the park again to ourselves for a few more minutes until this couple should up with their little one who was about Wyatt’s age.
They ended up putting their son into the swing right off the back and then they both proceeded to get on there cell phones and didn’t pay any attention to their kid. They didn’t even push him.
This poor kid was literally in the swing sitting there waiting patently to be pushed but it never happened. After a few minutes they just ended up taking him out of the swing and sat him down to let him play on his own. He again just stood there waiting for them to pay attention to him so he ended up coming and playing with Wyatt which I think made his parents mad because once I started talking to the kid they immediately got off their phones and rushed to pick him up a move him from us.
“Whatever.” I thought.
They were only at the park for maybe 10 minute’s tops and during those 10 minuets this kid went on the slide twice and he was in the swing once. Then they forced him into his stroller while he was bailing and told him “Maybe when Alice is with you she can take you to the park because we need to get home to walk the dog.”
I assume that “Alice” is the nanny because these people didn’t seem like they could be bothered with actually spending time with their own child. Poor, poor kid.
I never get why parents seem to take their kids to the park to just sit there and not pay attention to them. I get that sometimes you need a break but seriously take the time to make some wonderful moments with your child.
While Wyatt and I were at the park the moments I made with him were more priceless then to just sit there and talk on my phone.
We laughed hysterically at nothing.
We slid down the slide to many times to count.
We buried each other in woodchips.
I taught him how to climb to get to the top of the playground.
We found cool sticks and had a fight with them and we even just sat on the bench and watch the clouds go by. These moments can never be taking away and I will remember them for years to come.
Will those parents even remember what was said on those phone conversations?
I highly doubt it.
And that’s just sad.
I agree with you. Parents need to pay more attention to their kids. The same goes when they are in school. Many parents expect the teachers to teach them everything but they don't realize that school starts at home. What is the point of a teacher teaching a child how to read if mom and dad don't encourage reading at home.
ReplyDeleteI know sheesh I get so annoyed of lazy parents. I dont get why now days some parents think that it’s other people’s responsibility to teach and take care of their children. DUDE YOU HAD THE CHILD SO NOW TAKE THE TIME TO TEACH/RAISE THEM. It’s your responsibility no one else. I can’t even image having someone else raise Wyatt just because I know they couldn’t/woudln’t be able to do it exactly how I know it needs to be done.
ReplyDeleteI know sheesh I get so annoyed of lazy parents. I dont get why now days some parents think that it’s other people’s responsibility to teach and take care of their children. DUDE YOU HAD THE CHILD SO NOW TAKE THE TIME TO TEACH/RAISE THEM. It’s your responsibility no one else. I can’t even image having someone else raise Wyatt just because I know they couldn’t/woudln’t be able to do it exactly how I know it needs to be done.