Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A two hour road trip…


Cody and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary a couple of days early this year. We decided that we would take a mini road trip and drive to Wendover Nevada.



We of course had to stop at one of the best places to eat in Bountiful Utah…



Now you don't only get a bag full of “bottom” fries you get a Gigantic burger with everything you could possible need on a hamburger.

MMMMmmmm……. its sooo YUMMY!

What I think is so hilarious is how Cody and I are sooo opposites. I ordered a bacon cheese hamburger with everything on it.

Where as Cody ordered a plain one with absolutely NOTHING on it.


That’s Cody for ya.



Since we were already up in Bountiful I made Cody drive to where we got married so I could check it out.


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It was pretty much the same… they added an addition on the side of it as well as outside lights that it. but just walking through there again brought me back to that day. It was so far hands down the best wedding I have been too… since of course it was MINE.

After a few minutes there we headed to Wendover.


It was a nice relaxing drive we listened to music talked and just reconnected. it was sooo nice

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When we arrived it was still daylight so we didn't really do much but “play” in the AMAZING little mini suite we got.


It had a balcony, a Jacuzzi and a HUGE bed… all I wanted to do was sleep in that thing…  since it would be the FIRST time ever leaving Wyatt overnight somewhere. Which really I handled it way better then I thought I would.

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We stayed up until the wee morning hours playing the machines talking eating at the restaurants and losing ALL of our money… (Well Cody was anyway… I won and then lost 30 dollars a few hours later on the penny machine. Ha ha.)


As we headed home we pretty much sat in silence and just enjoyed each others company…

It was so nice to get away and just BE with each other…

I can not wait until the next time we get a chance to get away with JUST each other.wendover25

because this was well needed.

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