Sunday, July 4, 2010

Going to the movies


One of the things we did this week to celebrate the 4th was take Wyatt to his first ever movie in a theatre.

I have waited for this day for so long…the day when Wyatt was old enough to go to the movies.

Now if you remember we have been preparing for this day for awhile. We learned to sit and watch movies at home and of course we had to learn how to eat yummy yummy popcorn.


*Click the picture to read about the day we watched movies at home.

Yesterday was the day we went and OMG it was a blast.

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I didn't want to go on my own with Wyatt just in case he was awful so I brought in reinforcements and with daddy off at work Gammy and Poppa had to do.

Of course my mom taught Wyatt all about what will be happening soon and he always listens to her with ears wide open.

And when he saw that we had popcorn all he wanted to do was eat popcorn and he ATE popcorn with out letting anyone else eat it.

 (if you look at the last popcorn picture he is pushing gammys hand away.)

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Now we ended up going to the 3D showing (just cause it was the earliest time.) and normally I HATE HATE 3D but I was very surprised at how non 3D it seemed plus we got these nifty 3D glasses.


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Wyatt wore the 3D glasses on and off through out the movie and me well I was the annoying mother who took a TON of pictures before the movie started and I even snuck some during the movie. teehee… I know I know not very good movie etiquette but sheesh this was Wyatt FIRST EVER MOVIE I of course had to take a ton pictures and document it.


if Cody came he would of freaked But look how much he enjoyed it…

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This movie was AMAZING the best one I have seen in a while. I laughed cried was happy sad worried…


I totally want to go and see it again.


I was so proud of Wyatt he didn't get up once he didn't cry, scream do anything a normal toddler would have done and this was a 2 HOUR movie!


I guess the preparation must of paid off or I just have an amazing little boy who loves movies now as much as I do.

mamarazzi3 Do you take a ton a pictures like I do? Check this site out to see the other crazy picture taken mothers.


Wanna see a firework show? click HERE.

Happy 4th of July


  1. Popcorn keeps our little ones corralled for hours. :) We saw TS3 on Father's Day wkd. and ours were just old enough to be scared and disturbed. Still, from an adult's perspective it was a very, very well done movie.

  2. glad he enjoyed it! :) I'm so scared to take my son to a movie...I can see it not going well at all. ;)

  3. He looks so tiny next to the bucket of popcorn! I wouldn't dream of taking our to the movie yet. Very brave of you. But I guess the prep worked for you.


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