Sunday, April 24, 2011

The official last 365 days in pictures linky.

So...This will be the last linky I host for the 365 days in pictures but I will still be taking part in the 365 day project. I feel like I can no longer host the linky each Saturday which makes me sad....
Are you ready for the excuses?
  1. I work a full time job (which I am the boss which makes it more then "full time.")
  2. I have a photo biz on the side which is picking up a lot
  3. I have a toddler
  4. I have a husband who some days acts like a toddler
  5. My house is a mess because I spend to much time on here. eek...
Um... are those good enough?
I know their not, but I don't want to feel like I am making this project a job that I feel like I fail each week because I cant devote all my time to it.
Which in the long run will make me not want to take pictures everyday.
Sooo... that is why I will NO longer be hosting this project. But... I still want to pick favorites from the Flicker Group that I will highlight on my blog here and there. so please PLEASE keep adding them too it.
Okay So with that being said If there is someone that wants to take over this linky email me at I would love to help you get it started or whatever.. plus I will give you some rights to the Flickr group as well.
NapTime MomTog Project 365

Hey, also don't forget that Sarah from Naptime Momtog still host a linky each Saturday make sure you go over and link up with her a much as you can.

And Meg from The unexpected world of motherhood also does one!

My week started off at my mom's house when we talked about how I was 10 years ago. Which is when I noticed her tree was blooming...
The next day was soo warm I opened the sun roof put my camera out to snapped this shot while I was parked in the parking lot waiting for the husband.
Taken by my cell phone on a day I was lookin' good! ;)
ilookgood8 ilookgood6
Wyatt and I dyed Easter eggs and then I had to clean up all the dye of the counter which resulted in that cool picture below...
SONY DSC                       SONY DSC                        
Picture of some purple flowers hidden in the grass.
Chilin' at a park.

Now for the Top 5:
Betsy Blue:
April 15, 2011 ~ 30/365Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate
I love just the soft pastel colors and perspective.
Inspire me:
I love the look on her face and the sun flare. just stunning
I love the use of texture and it just makes me smile.
My (boys)terious life:
[106] 04.16.11
I am a sucker for these shots! love them!
Find your happiness:
I love the light in this shot! its so simple but so stunning.
Okay grab you button and Congrats!
The Daily Wyatt
and link up for the last time...
The Daily Wyatt


  1. Sorry to hear that you won't be hosting but I totally understand. I work full time & have a toddler too....oh and I'm sitting on my hands to keep myself from volunteering to take over the linky. I seem to love burning the candle at both ends. Ugh.

  2. Thanks for picking my photo this week! But I'm really sorry you won't be hosting P365 anymore. Makes me really sad but I completely understand. I would love to take over if no one else steps up. The only thing is we're moving in a month so I won't be able to give it my full attention for a while. Maybe i could co-host it with someone else and switch every now and then.

  3. Audrey! Don't worry chica! We all understand. Blogging is a huge time suck.... and if you can't keep up with it, let it go. We all understand that your have many, many other priorities! I hope things calm down a bit in your world. HUGS to you ;D

  4. I seriously don't know how you keep up with blogging while working a full time job and having a family/home! Kudos to you for making it this far! I will miss your linky, but I understand.

    Your pics are great this week. Awesome self portrait! And I love the Easter egg clean up. Very cool!

    Thanks for picking my photo for your Top 5! I am humbled and honored.


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