Hey, HI! Its Texture Thursday once again! yippee do da day!!
Everyone joining me from last week... Welcome back! And, if you're here for the first time, I hope you totally join in on the fun! The whole point of Texture Thursday is to look at photography from a different point of view. Meaning that you can either enter a photo that has texture already in it or add some of your own. If your not quite sure what I mean I give examples HERE.
This week I am using the sand as the texture in this photo. Today Wyatt, Brooklyn, Sherri and I went to the dam. It was a blast! I am completely Sunburned and Wyatt has been asleep since we got home around 5pm. Talk about getting a lot of things done such as watching TV uh watching TV and watching more TV. Next time I WILL use that time more wisely. maybe.

Now its your turn lets see what Textures you have this week! Don't forget the guidelines for the linky:
- Link only to your post dedicated to texture Thursday not your main URL.
- anyone can join in at anytime.
- Grab my button so others can find the linky and join in the fun too!
- try to visit others blogs and give some comment love! Because we all love comments. ;)