Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Well Hello Blog!


Omg, Have you missed me? Are you even still there?  HEEELLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO…..?

I know, I know. I have been in this huge blogging funk. Okay, its been more than a funk but I am here to change that. I have ideas, plans and to be honest I am a little scared to get back into it. I feel like this is my first ever post and that it is going out into no where land and I am going to have to work my tush off to get my blog back to the heyday it was and that is scary.

I can say that it is the idea of having no time to write, or I can say that its because my computer is now upstairs and I cant get my fat ass up there but really, I blame instagram and well my laziness.

So to kick my self into gear I am going to take that nablopomo challenge and blog every day in November. OMG, ITS TOTALLY GOING BE LIKE AWESOME! OH MY GOSH! DUH!

So be prepared my friends (if your still there) for some posts. okay well like a lot of posts.

Oh by the way HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Tonight, I am having my bestie and her hubster over with my hubster and we are going to eat chili and then take the kiddos out to trick or treat like how we did in the old days… By going DOOR to DOOR (I so hate those trunk or treats. lame. safe but lame.) So we are excited!

What are you guys doing tonight?

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