I am currently sitting in the middle of my living room surrounded by boxes filled with old memories, lost treasures and junk that I will be happy to get rid of. This week of my “staycation” is coming to an end. I have accomplished a lot. Wyatt’s old baby clothes have been washed folded and put away in his old crib drawers. His old baby blankets folded and tucked away waiting for the soon arrival of his brother. The crib is put together and all I have left to do is hang pictures.
We have cleared out our storage shed which brings me back to the boxes I am surrounded by. My husband he is a saver and he saves everything for the “just in case” moments. On one hand I am grateful that he made me do that with ALL of Wyatt's old baby stuff because now we need nothing but a new car seat and diapers. On the other hand we have been paying for a storage shed for years and half of the stuff I will be selling tomorrow at my yard sale. (so if you are in the South Ogden area come buy my junk!)
Its been sorta fun looking through all the junk we have collected over the years. The memories it brings back of the times Cody and I were living together kid less and freshly in love. It is crazy how you can pack all those things away and once you unpack them the love comes back to you like they have never left because really they haven't they have moved into more of the mature love you craved then anyway.
And to see the little outfits Wyatt wore when he left the hospital and when he was so tiny tugs on my heart strings. I soon will be having another little one and that made this whole week become real. Because up until this week I have done nothing for the arrival of Gunner nothing but feel him kick and move and give me heart burn. But now, with everything getting taken care of it is becoming real. He will be here before I know it and that my friends makes this week of digging in old boxes, dealing with spiders and dust bunnies and doing a ton of laundry worth it instead of using my vacation time to sit on a beach and drink fruit drinks because who needs a real vacation anyway?