Friday, June 4, 2010

I miss the days…

When Wyatt would cuddle with me all day if I wanted him too.

When he would Coo and Giggle at everything I said.

When he was small enough to fit in one arm.

The smell of him… ( he smells like DIRT now… its like he’s a boy or something.)

and when he would stare at me with a deep thought like he was starting into my soul.

Well he still does that but just not as much…


Linked up too:

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  1. Look at his little face and big eyes!! So cute!!

  2. That's the best reason for digital photography and blogs, to forever capture those fleeting moments of bliss so we can look back on them fondly... have a blessed weekend!

  3. Awwww, look at that picture!!!! Its so perfect.

  4. Love those eyes!

  5. Beautiful baby! I love his eyes and those eyelashes!!!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  6. Too cute! The grow so fast, cherish each new adventure.


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