Friday, April 15, 2011

I live in a Pigsty

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And I'm fine with that.
PhotoStory FridayGive me your best shot at Better in Bulk


  1. OMG your cat seems to tolerate alot from your little guy.
    These photos are too cute!!!

  2. Poor kitty! If you're fine with that, and kitty is fine with that - well then - My Golden and I need to be OK with ours too! It's gonna be tough!

  3. Funny! Isn't it crazy how fast it gets all messy again after you clean it all up. And I have two little tornadoes to try to clean up after.

    I start tossing stuff... it is my only line of defense ;D

  4. Ha ha! Hilarious. Looks like my house.

  5. Ah yes, I have days like this.... I tell ya' all I do is follow the munckins around picking up as they drop things.

  6. At least you have a kid to justify the mess with. I don't have that yet. I have to blame it on the cat -- which it is usually his fault ;).

  7. Lol. You are not alone with the messy house thing. :-)
    I love these shots. So real and true. Thank you for joining in Foto Friday.

  8. You and me both sister! LOL

    Love this! (P.S. I still owe you my answers! Sorry - it's been nuts around here!)

    Thanks for participating in Fabulous Friday!

  9. You and me both sister! LOL

    Love this! (P.S. I still owe you my answers! Sorry - it's been nuts around here!)

    Thanks for participating in Fabulous Friday!


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