Its Texture Thursday time!!
Everyone joining me from last week... Welcome back! And, if you're here for the first time, I hope you totally join in on the fun! The whole point of Texture Thursday is to look at photography from a different point of view. Meaning that you can either enter a photo that has texture already in it or add some of your own. If your not quite sure what I mean I give examples HERE.
My shots this week are all natural.
Last week here in Utah we had a crazy wind storm that had winds coded as a class 2 hurricane. Over 3200 people had no power for days, semi trucks flipped over on the freeways causing a ton of delays and trees were uprooted like my mom’s 3 big blue spruces. They actually fell over on top of her house but luckily there was no damage. Thank god.
Watch a video about it HERE.
And now the winner is…
I love the abstract feel of these water droplets and the colors are fab plus the detail of the fabric in the droplets are a wonderful texture.
Grab your winner button HERE!
Now its your turn lets see what Textures you have this week!
Don't forget the guidelines for the linky:
- Link only to your post dedicated to texture Thursday not your main URL.
- Anyone can join in at anytime.
- Grab my button so others can find the linky and join in the fun too!
- Try to visit others blogs and give some comment love! Because we all love comments.
- Come back and “like” your favorite texture!

Linked too:
**I reversed the order of the link list so watch for your
thumbnail at the TOP of list once you post it!**
Holy Cow that's a big tree. Glad there was no damage to your mom's house.
ReplyDeleteThat is a HUGE tree. So crazy!
ReplyDeleteBig tree!!
ReplyDeleteI thought the same thing s Saun - Holy Cow! I'm glad your family was safe.
ReplyDeleteHoly cow! That is just crazy seeing those big trees knocked down like that--I'm so glad no one was hurt! (We lost a tree in the storm, too, but it was teeny tiny compared to your mom's.)
ReplyDeleteI saw the news about this storm, amazing!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love your polaroid photos down the right side of your blog.
Those trees lookmassive when they are blow over like that!
ReplyDeleteSo glad no one was hurt and there wasn't any damage. It's a shame to lose them.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad the trees are lost but really good news they didn't cause damage.