(No this is not a picture of Wyatt on his birthday or anyone else's birthday for that matter.)
Two things that makes Wyatt, Wyatt is that he is completely obsessed with Birthdays and Christmas. I mean like insanely obsessed with them. He will beg to eat birthday cake so he can sing "happy birfday and blow out camdles." everyday until I let him have cake or blow out candles.
And with Christmas... like right now his name is "Rudolf" not Wyatt yesterday his name was "Santa goose" (goose because that's his original nickname which I call him because he is a silly goose.)
At least he knows that celebrating life and HIS life is the most important thing to do to be happy so I am totally okay with singing happy birthday everyday, eating cake and renaming each other Christmas characters if that's all it takes for him to be "insanely" happy.