I have been running into some problems with trying to highlight those of you that send me an email to be highlighted as a Flickr Friend plus I added some questions to help us get to know you better.
The problem I have been having is that when I try to highlight pictures from some of your flickr accounts it wont allow me to grab the HTML code so I can put those pictures on my blog to highlight them no worries though there is a quick fix to that.
go to your account settings, privacy&permission change the who can access you imagine to anyone, change who can share to any, who can BLOG your stuff to any. This gives me to access to grab the html code for that picture so I can place it on my blog. If you do not wont to change those settings I understand. Send me an email stating that so we can find another way to highlight your photos.
So as I was trying to figure out how to highlight some of you I came up with some questions that gives me a better idea of who you are as a photographer So if you are wanting to be a Flickr Friend please send me an email with the subject FLICKR FRIENDS and answer the questions below.
(If you have already sent me your info before I had the questions I am will be sending those questions to you.)
1. How did you get starting in photography?
2. What’s in your camera bag?
3. Do you use an editing software if so which one?
4. Tell me a little about what “style” your photography is
5. What person/blog inspires you?
6. What do you prefer to photograph?
7. Do you take pictures everyday?
8. Does your family get annoyed with you always taking photos of them?
9. Do you print out your photos and if so how often do you do that.
10. Are you self taught or have you taken classes.
11. What are some tips that you could share with us that you learned that you feel are invaluable.
12. How and why did you start your blog/flickr account?