Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Just in case you haven't heard.


Yesterday I announced via instagram and Facebook that my EGGO IS PREGO!


I know that test is light and I know that I am at the super early stage and some people don't normally share the news at this point. but I am not one to not be an over sharer. Plus I took 3 tests at different times and one again this morning that the second line grew darker.

According to the internet and my guess at when my last period was I believe I am at least 5-6 weeks along which is still to early to go to the doctor since they like to see you at 8 weeks. My non-doctor, internet given due date would be in September maybe the 7th-ish.

I am okay with the fact that I am sharing this now because I knew instantly that I was with Wyatt and I shared the same news at this early stage too and I have him. Plus I am already starting to feel the sickness and the urge to pee in the middle of the night.

Like last night, I woke up at 3am pee a lot and couldn't go back to sleep because of the nausea. This morning, still nausea but no throwing up yet.

With Wyatt I threw up each time I ate and never cried. This time so far it is the opposite. I cry at everything and haven't thrown up yet.  So maybe its a girl?

That would be crazy but it wouldn't that be fun, different and super scary? eeee…

What do you think it is?


  1. Congrats again! I think it would be super awesome for Wyatt to have a little brother. I wanted my second to be a girl, but seeing how my two sons get along now, I know that fate made the right decision for me. However it turns out for you, he/she will be awesome, without a doubt!

    1. See I always wanted boys but I keep thinking of a girl so who knows! but I cant wait to find out. :)

  2. I always read from my phone and it is a pain to comment - but I had to. (Yep I am a silent stalker - a lazy one) Congratulations!!! Hooray!!!

    I was constantly nauseous with my girl but only tossed my cookies twice. With my son I was puking round the clock before the stick would even show two lines. So maybe baby girl is in there?!

    1. Well HELLO Silent Stalker. (I also read from my phone so I get the comment issue thanks for taking the time to comment.) With Wyatt a threw up alllllll the time so far (even though its early.) I have only had the nausea. So I am also thinking a girl. (ps... following your blog now.)

  3. congrats! a girl would be so sweet. ☺

    1. Thank you! and a girl would be super sweet.

  4. How Exciting! Very cool. Congrats!

  5. Ahhhh congrats!!! So exciting! :)


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