Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This kid.


This kid. Oh my he seriously cracks me up. Cody and I have talked a lot about what is in store for him when the baby gets here. Cody worries that he might not take it so well having another kid come in and take some of his attention away. But I think its going to be the opposite I think he will thrive on being the big brother.

He was the first person I told when I found out. I picked him up from preschool and told him I had a secret to tell him and as we got into the car I told him that I had a baby in my belly. He responded with a huge smile and said “Do you really?!” “Mom, do you really?!” As I replied with a “yep” he then said “I wont change the poopy diapers but I will feed her a bottle when he cries.” Okay, deal” I said.

He even told Brooklyn (his best friend) today that I had a baby in my belly and that meant I was pregnant. I think he will take on his role as the big brother very well. I do however feel like he will take it hard once he realizes that we will be changing his sleeping arrangements. He will be moving to the playroom upstairs and the baby will get his room. So that should be interesting.

If you guys got any tips on how to help the transition into big brotherhood let me know I would love to hear about it.



  1. You have step one down perfect! Have confidence in him and always be super excited for him! Make the role of Big Bro out to be as cool and awesome as it is and he will embrace it!

    Way to go mom!

  2. Great story!When we had our second child Layla was excited, I think a little too much... I found her in Ava's crib a few times which freaked me out or she would want to overly help. But that wore off pretty fast but when we got pregnant for the third time both girls at first were not happy! Layla said she wanted another puppy not another baby LOL and Ava just keeps saying she is the baby!!! Now 6 months along in my pregnancy Layla is every happy and tell anyone that will listen that mommy has a baby in her tummy but Ava is still shouting to the rooftops that she is the baby! So lets see when lil man gets here!

    1. Ha! I love it. Right? he might be happy about it now until the kid comes. (I might want a new puppy too.)

  3. It's so cute that he offered to help bottle feed, but drew the line at poopy diapers. LOL. If you trick out his room more than the baby's room, he may move without looking back.

    1. Yes he has decided that his room shall be a Scooby Doo room. Eee... we will see.


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