Sunday, May 2, 2010

Waiting for “blankey” to dry

The other day when I did my annual “WASH THE BLANKEY” day Wyatt would not leave the washer/dryer alone.

When I finally did get it into the dryer he threw a fit every time I tried to shut the dryer door.



I said “No Wy its not it has to dry.”

“Mom? Mimkeey?” as he holds him up

“Yes Mickey is dry.”(We washed him early that day.)


I then tried to shut the dryer doors again.

“No Mom ‘s dun… EEEE?”


As he pushes the button on the side to turn off the light.

Then Bud the cat had to come and see what was going on…


“EEE?”  Wyatt says as he points to his blankey.


Bud then jumps into the dryer to get a closer look…


which Wyatt thinks is hilarious.


On a side note….

I did eventually get to shut the dryer door thanks to Bud. He jumped out of the dryer which then made Wyatt follow and torture him.

Thanks for taking one for the team Bud I owe you some tuna later.



Brought to you by: Are you part of the posse?


  1. Cute photos! I have a few from last summer with my son playing in the dryer, too. So funny. If I can't find something a lot of times I realize later he's put it in the dryer. :)

  2. Too funny! We've had some trauma while waiting for various lovies to dry! Great pictures!

  3. At least your kid puts it in the dryer a few months ago I had to dig threw the garbage which was filled to the brim for my keys which was of course at the bottom. It was terrible!

    Stacy- I have to fight to wash his blankey ever week its not always so fun.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OOPS....on the previous post...I can't spell apparently. LOL.

    Too funny. Kids are quite the crack-ups.

  6. This is adorable... I came by to read it again because my son did something similar today... Hope you are having a great week! :)

  7. At least your kid puts it in the dryer a few months ago I had to dig threw the garbage which was filled to the brim for my keys which was of course at the bottom. It was terrible!

    Stacy- I have to fight to wash his blankey ever week its not always so fun.


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